Holly has had a very eventful few weeks at Baswich Farm. Baswich farm is owned by Frank and Kim Betts - Kim was a Gladiator, [Lightning] so we are hob nobbing with celebs!
Week one, Holly had no tack, so took us a week to fit her with a saddle. She needed her feet trimming, so we engaged the services of Ben, the Barefoot Specialist - Holly does not wear shoes. Ben noticed an old injury to one of Holly's hooves, so now feet trimming every four weeks to allow the hoof to grow properly.
Week 2, visit from the vet for injections [no record of her every having any] teeth check up and wolf tooth removal!. This was under sedation, and not bridle to be worn for 7-10 days. We trying lungeing......hmmmmm bit of a disaster - Holly is SO STRONG!!!.....
So, asked Sian to help us. This is going to take a lot of practice, but I need to learn to be the boss with her.
Back to riding, and we had a silly horse always wanting to bolt to the gate!!!
Back to Sian for a lesson, and Holly is now behaving herself. [I am the boss!!]
Gypsy Cobs are bred for power. They are similar to Shire Horses, but smaller, traditionally ised to pull gypsy caravans. They have very placid natures, and Holly certainly is placid and kind.
She is also very scruffy, like a child you get ready for a day out only to find five minutes later they are all dishevelled again !. She has a soft pink nuzzle, and in the recent hot temperatures, needed factor 50 [I kid you not].
This is us troptting in the menage - if you look closley you will see her diamante browband!!
Oh Yes!! The horse does bling!
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